Amanda Pence, M.A.

biblical scholar.


Amanda graduated with highest honors from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) with an MA Bible Exposition in 2024. Talbot is a world-class seminary deeply committed to its biblical foundation. As part of the Bible Exposition program, Amanda studied both Old and New Testaments academically and worked as the TA for several sections of “Hermeneutics and Bible Study Methods” classes. Amanda excels at big-picture understanding of the Bible, focusing on intertextuality and how the story of the Bible fits together as a whole. She is committed to studying the Bible in context and with a deep commitment to its inspiration, authority, and inerrancy. Her studies specialized in understanding how to read the Bible “biblically” and related exegetical and hermeneutical methodology.


Amanda’s essay, Vindicating Bathsheba, was one of three winners of CBE International’s student paper competition in 2022. She presented it at their annual conference in Atlanta that August. It was subsequently published in their academic journal, the Priscilla Papers. It can be read at the link below.

Currently, Amanda is working on a scholarly article demonstrating how the treatment of women throughout the book of Judges illustrates the Canaanization of Israel.


Amanda affirms the full inclusion of all siblings of faith, including those in the LGBTQIA+ community, in all levels of the evangelical church.

Amanda believes that the most faithful, “biblical,” interpretation of Scripture calls for the church to rely on the Holy Spirit to order the Body of believers. God is the ultimate authority, and He is the one who gifts, fills, and calls anyone, of any background, to serve in whatever capacity He determines. People do not have the right to judge each other based on outer appearances such as gender or marital status - it is the heart that matters. Evidence of the fruit of the Spirit in a person’s life is the better indicator as to whether or not they are fit for ministry.

For more on why Amanda believes that affirming all siblings of faith is the most “biblical” interpretation, visit and subscribe to her free Substack:


Amanda is an Evangelical LGBTQIA+ advocate.

She will be a speaker at Q Christian Fellowship’s annual conference in January 2025. Her breakout session is entitled “Adam & Adam: God’s Design for Humanity,” and will lay out the biblical arguments for fully including intersex, transgender, and otherwise genderqueer people in the life of the church.


Amanda is a Bible Teacher with extensive experience facilitating small groups in person and online. She also has public speaking experience, and has taught the Bible to people of all ages and educational levels.

Interested in having Amanda speak at your event or with your group? Contact her through the link below.

Subscribe to Amanda’s Substack for monthly blogs explaining the biblical arguments for affirming LGBTQIA+ people in the church. You can also subscribe to Amanda’s YouTube channel for future content.